Occupational doctors and nurses

Faced with chemical risks, the medical staff must inform itself in order to prevent danger, and to equip itself to act in the event of an accident.


To this end, the PREVOR Toxicology and Chemical Risk Management Laboratory offers training tailored to occupational doctors and nurses, enabling them to

  • understand the mechanism of chemical injury, to improve prevention and reduce the frequency of chemical accidents
  • act in the event of eye or skin contact with a chemical aggressor, to reduce the severity of the consequences.


The 4 main themes covered by this training course are :


1. Chemical products:

  • Which products can cause a chemical burn?
  • What are the differences between corrosives and irritants?

2. Chemical burn:

  • Understand the creation process
  • Understand its 5 aggravating factors

3. Risk prevention:

  • How to prevent danger?

4. Dealing with chemical contamination:

  • What to do in the event of eye or skin contact?
  • Decontamination solutions

So that a chemical accident remains an incident, contact our teams!